Accidentally, I was reading Daily Candy and found out the Urban Craft Center in Santa Monica. I checked it out today and it's a really cool place with an unique concept. They call it "a communal space for creative chaos". They believe deeply in the craft community and all that it offer us, both as a social movement and as a way to bring purposefulness and conservation to our lives. The UCC studio is a place to nurture creative energy. It is a bright and lofty with lots of tables and seating. It also has an extensive craft book library and shelves full of tolls for craft projects. Erin and I are still picking classes, and I can't wait to play and learn there.

Besides, I learned a new book and documentary called the Handmade Nation. Handmade Nation documents a movement of artists, crafters, and designers that recognize a marriage between historical techniques, punk, and DIY (do it yourself) ethos while being influenced by traditional handiwork, modern aesthetics, politics, feminism and art. Fueled by the common thread of creating, Handmade Nation explores a burgeoning art community that is based on creativity, determination, and networking.

Check out their website here:
Here is the teaser of the documentary film
Glad that you had a pleasant day and came home safe! <>